FinregE Regulatory Changes

(19 AUG - 06 SEP 2023)

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FinregE’s Compliance Solutions

Regulatory Horizon Scanning

The Regulatory Change Viewer provides a single place to receive structured information on regulatory news and developments across global sources. All publications and developments come fully tagged and categorised by sectors, topics and themes for quicker interpretations of applicability for easier and faster determination of applicability and filtering.

Governance, Risks and Compliance Controls Mappings

Our governance, risk and compliance controls mapping workflow connects regulatory developments, existing regulations and laws to institutional policies, procedures, risks and controls in real-time to provide trackability and traceability of regulatory content to internal compliance data and environment.

Machine Readable Rule Inventories

Our Global Library© provides structured, machine readable, rule paragraph level inventories of regulations and laws customised to an institutions internal regulatory footprint. Regulations in the global library can be filtered for applicability at paragraph rule level per business line, and are maintained across versions with full timeline history and tracked changes between versions.

Compliance monitoring and self-assessments workflows

FinregE provides pre-defined and pre-configured compliance workflows that support regulatory change impact assessments, senior manager attestations, regulatory affairs management, regulatory remediation and annual compliance monitoring activities. Our workflow management comes configured with action plans, notifications and alerts framework to create and track institution specific workflow tasks, commentaries and activities on regulatory compliance activities. FinregE’ automated workflows support accountability, auditability and monitoring of compliance actions by providing the ability to assign, map and track compliance tasks to business units, owners, a framework to record assessments and evidence of compliance status, and volume metrics to track open workflow actions and actions exceeding waiting times.

Machine-derived Regulatory Interpretations

Our machine-driven regulatory interpretations speed up the understanding of requirements under rules and legal texts by highlighting the exact requirements and actions required under rules. We use varying natural language processing techniques to extract and identify regulatory obligations, permissions and prohibitions in regulations and laws so you can save time in understanding your legal and regulatory requirements. FinregE’s machine-derived regulatory obligations also deliver speed and automation in the construction of more compliant policies and controls by helping identifying the rules and requirements where internal controls are required to be put in place.

Regulatory Compliance Reporting, Audit and Dashboarding

FinregE provides standard and customised dashboards analytics and reporting on insights into actions being taken, the status, priorities, due dates and tasks being performed across its suite of regulatory change and regulatory compliance solution modules and data. Our platform maintains an extensive audit trail of compliance activities and actions being performed by platform users. We also provide automation features for importing regulatory documents' data, sending notifications and assignment of tasks based on the pre-defined rules, including sending reminders on tasks and actions based on due dates and predefined requirements for completion.


Find out how we can simplify
your Regulatory Compliance

We recognise that managing and maintaining regulatory compliance is one of the most time and resource consuming activity. We would welcome sharing with you how we are helping our clients harness the power of technology to solve their compliance problems.
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